Magic FM playlist

On the Playlist page of Magic FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!


05.05 06:24 - Diana Ross - Chain Reaction
05.05 06:18 - Ub40 - Falling In Love With You
05.05 06:14 - George Michael - Freedom 90
05.05 06:10 - Womack and Womack - Teardrops
05.05 06:05 - Simply Red - For Your Babies
05.05 06:02 - Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited
05.05 05:52 - Billy Joel - The River Of Dreams
05.05 05:48 - The Human League - Don't You Want Me
05.05 05:44 - Seal - Crazy
05.05 05:40 - Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
05.05 05:36 - Wet Wet Wet - Sweet Little Mystery
05.05 05:29 - Will Young - Leave Right Now
05.05 05:26 - Billy Ocean - When The Going Gets Tough...
05.05 05:23 - S Club 7 - Don't Stop Movin'
05.05 05:20 - Yazoo - Only You
05.05 05:16 - Ed Sheeran - Overpass Graffiti
05.05 05:12 - Luther Vandross - Never Too Much
05.05 05:07 - No Doubt - Don't Speak
05.05 05:03 - Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton - Islands In The Stream
05.05 04:54 - The Beautiful South - A Little Time
05.05 04:51 - Cher - If I Could Turn Back Time
05.05 04:47 - Katy Perry - Firework
05.05 04:43 - DeBarge - Rhythm Of The Night
05.05 04:39 - Daniel Powter - Bad Day
05.05 04:35 - The Cars - Drive
05.05 04:33 - Harry Styles - As It Was
05.05 04:29 - Jamelia - Superstar
05.05 04:26 - Nik Kershaw - I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
05.05 04:21 - Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart
05.05 04:18 - Phil Collins - Two Hearts
05.05 04:14 - The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved
05.05 04:11 - Boy Meets Girl - Waiting For A Star To Fall
05.05 04:07 - TLC - Waterfalls
05.05 04:03 - Tina Turner - The Best
05.05 03:54 - Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You
05.05 03:50 - Bob Marley and The Wailers - Could You Be Loved
05.05 03:46 - Adele - Hello
05.05 03:42 - Pet Shop Boys and Dusty Springfield - WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?
05.05 03:39 - Lemar - If There's Any Justice
05.05 03:35 - The Bangles - Eternal Flame
05.05 03:32 - Maroon 5 - Memories
05.05 03:29 - The Cardigans - Lovefool
05.05 03:24 - Stevie Wonder - Superstition
05.05 03:21 - Robbie Williams - Feel