talkRADIO archive - Podcasts - listen again

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“BBC Discriminates Against The Old And Women” | Newsreader Sues Broadcaster Over Gender Pay Dispute - 19.04.2024


"Tories Are Trying To Draw Clear Contrast With Labour" Rishi Sunak Wants End Of ‘Sick Note Culture’ - 19.04.2024


"RUNNING For The Hills!" - Former Conservative Adviser On 100 MPs Stepping Down At Next Election - 19.04.2024


"Tick Diversity Boxes!" Newsreader Martine Croxall Brings Legal Action To BBC Over Discrimination - 19.04.2024


"They've Got A VERY Thorough Game!" - British Colonel On Iran Threat To Attack The UK - 19.04.2024


Prince Harry ‘Megxits’ UK Once And For All, Whilst Future King Returns To Royal Duties - 19.04.2024


The Talk | 19-Apr-24 - 19.04.2024


“Immigration Is RUINING This Country” | Caller Daniel Explains Why He's Voting Reform - 19.04.2024
