Sun FM playlist

On the Playlist page of Sun FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!


01.05 13:02 - Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight
01.05 12:52 - Hot Chocolate - It Started With A Kiss
01.05 12:48 - Kim Wilde - You Keep Me Hangin' On
01.05 12:45 - Billy Joel - Uptown Girl
01.05 12:36 - Lightning Seeds - The Life Of Riley
01.05 12:34 - Tight Fit - The Lion Sleeps Tonight
01.05 12:30 - Olivia Newton-John - Xanadu
01.05 12:27 - Erasure - Victim Of Love
01.05 12:18 - Communards - Never Can Say Goodbye
01.05 12:13 - The Christians - Ideal World
01.05 12:09 - Police - Every Breath You Take
01.05 12:06 - Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong
01.05 12:02 - Simple Minds - Promised You A Miracle
01.05 11:52 - Madonna - Holiday
01.05 11:49 - Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight
01.05 11:46 - Danny Wilson - Mary's Prayer
01.05 11:42 - Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight
01.05 11:34 - Narada Michael Walden - I Shoulda Loved Ya
01.05 11:31 - Andrea True Connection - More More More
01.05 11:27 - T'Pau - China In Your Hand
01.05 11:25 - Ed Sheeran - Shivers
01.05 11:16 - Wet Wet Wet - Angel Eyes
01.05 11:13 - Dua Lipa - Houdini
01.05 11:09 - Take That - Pray
01.05 11:05 - Deacon Blue - Real Gone Kid
01.05 11:02 - Donna Summer - I Feel Love
01.05 10:52 - Jess Glynne - Hold My Hand
01.05 10:47 - Climie Fisher - Love Changes (Everything)
01.05 10:44 - Jacksons - Can You Feel It
01.05 10:38 - Jon Secada - Just Another Day
01.05 10:34 - Teddy Swims - Lose Control
01.05 10:28 - Tina Turner - Private Dancer
01.05 10:25 - Aretha Franklin - Respect
01.05 10:18 - Phil Collins - Sussudio
01.05 10:14 - Harry Styles - Adore You
01.05 10:09 - Nik Kershaw - The Riddle
01.05 10:05 - Corrs - Runaway
01.05 10:02 - Shalamar - A Night To Remember
01.05 09:59 - Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely (Single Version)
01.05 09:50 - Duran Duran - Rio
01.05 09:47 - Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
01.05 09:40 - Livin' Joy - Don't Stop Movin'
01.05 09:36 - George Michael - Fastlove
01.05 09:31 - Reef - Place Your Hands