Terms of Use

The MultiAppsFactory KFT. (Headquarters: Margit körút 57 2/5, 1024 Budapest, Hungary; Tax number: 26278823241; Company registration number: 01 09 357239, registered by the Metropolitan Court of Registration (Budapest, Hungary), hereinafter referred to as UKRadioLive.com is committed to keep the trust of the users of the website. The following conditions applied to the use of the website.

Acceptable use

Discover and use the website as you please, and where it is possible, upload various digital materials, and contribute to the website by questions, posts and multimedia content (for example: pictures, audio-streams, videos).

In doing so, please note that your use of the website and the material you submit must not be in the slightest bit illegal or offensive. Please use the following when using:
(a) do not violate another person's privacy rights;
(b) do not violate any intellectual property rights;
(c) do not make any statement which is defamatory, pornographic or even refers to pornography, racist, xenophobic, hateful, provoking, or which incites to violence or disturbance of law and order in any respect;
(d) do not upload files infected with virus or malware, or any data which can cause security issues; and
(e) do not conduct any activity which could be harmful to the website's integrity.

We inform you, that UKRadioLive.com can remove the illegal or offensive content from the website.

Data protection

The effect of our Privacy Policy on the website applies to every personal data or material. More information available here.

Intellectual property rights

3.1. Content provided by UKRadioLive.com
Copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights of the content (e.g. texts, audiostreams and pictures) published by, or on behalf of UKRadioLive.com, are held by UKRadioLive.com, or published with the permission of the relevant right holder.

The user is entitled to reproduce extracts from the content of the website for private purposes (i.e. for non commercial use). The condition of exercising this right is that the user leaves the content intact, respects and adheres to the intellectual property rights, including the copyright notice attached to each content.

3.2. Content provided by the users
The user declares that he is the author of the content (e.g. pictures, videos, music) uploaded by him to the website, or has the rights to the content (i.e. he has the owner's permission to share the content), and may share the content without infringing the owner's rights.

The user agrees that the content uploaded by him will not be handled privately, and gives his consent and use rights to UKRadioLive.com for royalty free use (in particular for publishing, reproducing, forwarding, broadcasting and disclosing the content) of the content worldwide without any time limit for UKRadioLive.com's business purposes.

We inform you, that UKRadioLive.com has the discretion to use the content, display it in its applications and interfaces.


UKRadioLive.com acts in good faith and does everything by all means to ensure the accuracy of the published materials on the website, and to avoid any confusion. UKRadioLive.com takes no responsibility for any inaccurate information, disarray, unaccessible website or other events, and for their direct (e.g. computer failure) or indirect (e.g. missed income) material and non-material damages. The user agrees to use the website and all of its content solely at his own risk.

UKRadioLive.com website could contain references and links pointing to other websites. UKRadioLive.com does not have control or supervision over third party websites, and does not support them definitely, thus does not take any responsibility for them, neither for their content, nor for their accuracy or operation. Thus, to the fullest extent possible, we encourage the user to get know and carefully read the legal statements and privacy policy of the other websites, and be aware of any changes to them.

If the user operates an external website and wishes to create a link to this website, UKRadioLive.com does not object, provided that the user places the accurate home-page URL of this website (e.g. the use of deep links is not allowed) and the user shall not show the appearance, that UKRadioLive.com supports, or related, or is in any association with the user's website. The use of "framing" or similar solutions is prohibited, and the user is obliged to ensure that the link to the website opens in a new window.


The operator of this website is the MultiAppsFactory KFT. (Headquarters: Margit körút 57 2/5, 1024 Budapest, Hungary; Tax number: 26278823241; Company registration number: 01 09 357239, registered by the Metropolitan Court of Registration (Budapest, Hungary)

If you have any questions or comment about the website, please contact us on one of the following contact options: (i) e-mail: info[kukac]ukradiolive.com, (ii) phone: +36305568365 or (iii) postal address: Margit körút 57 2/5, 1024 Budapest, Hungary


UKRadioLive.com reserves the right to change the terms of use. Please visit this page regularly to review the Terms of Use and any subsequent additional information.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The website is designed exclusively for users in the United Kingdom. UKRadioLive.com does not state that the materials and information on this website are appropriate or available outside of the United Kingdom.

By visiting the website, the user agrees that the law of the United Kingdom shall apply to disputes and claims arising from or related to the use of the website. The courts of the United Kingdom have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes.

By visiting the website, the user accepts the Terms of Use.

Last update: 26.10.2020