Premier Christian Radio playlist
On the Playlist page of Premier Christian Radio, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
26.02 12:20 - ipraise24 / i Equals Change - Trust In You
26.02 12:03 - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - Psalm 34
26.02 11:54 - Stuart Townend - We Bow Down
26.02 11:40 - Rend Collective - Boldly I Approach (The Art of Celebration)
26.02 11:22 - Jonathan Stockstill - Come Thou Fount
26.02 11:03 - Paul Baloche - How Great Thou Art
26.02 10:29 - We The Kingdom - God So Loved (Live)
26.02 09:54 - Czech Television Studio Orchestra - God Is Here / Jesus Is Lord
26.02 09:28 - Royal London Orchestra And Chorus - Sing Praise To God Who Reigns
26.02 08:56 - Bethel Music - Ever Be (Instrumental)
26.02 08:52 - Bright City - No Longer Slaves (Instrumental)
26.02 08:46 - Noel Robinson / Philippa Hanna - Joy Unspeakableu00a0
26.02 08:31 - Ben Cantelon - The Lion and the Lamb
26.02 08:05 - Steve Fee - Glory To God Forever
26.02 07:32 - Vineyard Music - More Love, More Power
26.02 07:13 - Luke Hellebronth - Spirit Break Out
26.02 05:55 - Swansea Male Voice Choir - Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
26.02 05:27 - Hymnmakers Choir - Man of Sorrows
26.02 04:55 - Treorchy Male Voice Choir - Are You Washed
26.02 04:27 - All Souls Choir And Orchestra - Give Me Joy
26.02 03:56 - Graham Kendrick - A Little Bit Of Love
26.02 03:52 - DON FRANCISCO - Blessed Is The Man
26.02 03:48 - John Michael Talbot - Here I Am Lord
26.02 03:44 - Lovkn - How Great Thou Art
26.02 03:40 - Peter Howarth - Psalm 23
26.02 03:33 - Purist Ogboi - I Need You
26.02 03:28 - City Harvest Church - Come Holy Spirit
26.02 03:24 - Celebration Choir - Let Earth And Heaven Agree
26.02 03:20 - New Wine Worship - Nothing But Grace (feat. Lauren Harris) [Live]
26.02 03:16 - Stuart Townend - To God Be the Glory
26.02 03:13 - Daily Service Singers - Love Divine
26.02 03:11 - Adoramus Choir - Glory To God ( Gloria )
26.02 03:06 - Robin Mark - Crown Him With Many Crowns
26.02 03:03 - From 50 Golden Hymns - His Name Shall Be
26.02 02:56 - Chevelle Franklyn - Go In Your Strength
26.02 02:49 - John Pantry - The Church Invincible
26.02 02:43 - Beth Croft - Corner Stone
26.02 02:33 - Matthew Macaulay - You Are Here
26.02 02:23 - Nathaniel Bassey - See What the Lord Has Done
26.02 02:17 - Chris Tomlin / Passion - I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)
26.02 02:11 - Whitney Houston - Jesus Loves Me
26.02 02:06 - Heartcry - I Heard the Voice of Jesus
26.02 01:52 - Resound Worship - Our God Was a Refugee
26.02 01:48 - Kevin Lee Florence - Come Thou Fount
26.02 01:43 - Kingsway Music - And Can It Be