Original 106's programmes

You can find here the schedule of Original 106 one week ahead, and the related important information, like the name of the presenters and the teasers of the programmes. Above the radio programmes, with the radio finder, you can switch to other radios, and with the date option, you can set the starting day of your search. If you find any mistakes in our schedule, like there is other programme in the radio, than in our schedule, or something is missing, please help us by contacting us on the Contact page, and we will fix it as soon as possible. If you would like to see more radios' schedules simultaneously, please visit the general Schedule page.

Always Your Favourite Music all night long.
06:00 - Original 106 Breakfast with Claire & Pete
Live from Aberdeen - Claire & Pete wake up the North-East and a chance to play Keep The Heid at 0810!
10:00 - Lachlan McKenzie
Live from Aberdeen with two years on The Top 10 At 10.
14:00 - Craig Lumsden
Live from Aberdeen Craig's here every afternoon with chances to win and all the travel news for the North East
18:00 - Alannah MacKenzie
22:00 - The Original 106 Party Night
Bringing the party to you.. Just supply your own cold sausage rolls and elderly sandwiches.
01:00 - Original Overnight
Always Your Favourite Music all night long.
06:00 - Saturday Breakfast Claire Kinnaird
Claire's here for Saturday because she just loves getting up early.
09:00 - Lachlan McKenzie
Live from Aberdeen, Lachlan's here at the best time of the week!
13:00 - Sam Allan
Always Your Favourite Music with Sam
17:00 - Vanessa Motion
Non stop party hits from the 80s to now!
21:00 - The Original 106 Party Night
Top party tunes without the need to bung £20 in the kitty.
02:00 - Original Overnight
Always Your Favourite Music all night long.
06:00 - Craig Lumsden
Craig's got the tunes for Sunday morning
09:00 - Martyn Smith
Live from Aberdeen - Martyn's got your weekend tunes sorted.
13:00 - Julia Bryce
Always Your Favourite Music with Julia
17:00 - Alannah MacKenzie
21:00 - Original 106 Night Time
Round off the weekend with Original 106 Night Time.
00:00 - Original Overnight
Always Your Favourite Music all night long.
06:00 - Original 106 Breakfast with Claire & Pete
Live from Aberdeen - Claire & Pete wake up the North-East and a chance to play Keep The Heid at 0810!
10:00 - Martin Ingram
Live from Aberdeen with two years on The Top 10 At 10.
14:00 - Craig Lumsden
Live from Aberdeen Craig's here every afternoon with chances to win and all the travel news for the North East
18:00 - Alannah MacKenzie
22:00 - Original 106 Night Time
End your day by relaxing with Original 106 Night TIme.
00:00 - Original Overnight
Always Your Favourite Music all night long.
06:00 - Original 106 Breakfast with Claire & Pete
Live from Aberdeen - Claire & Pete wake up the North-East and a chance to play Keep The Heid at 0810!
10:00 - Martin Ingram
Live from Aberdeen with two years on The Top 10 At 10.
14:00 - Craig Lumsden
Live from Aberdeen Craig's here every afternoon with chances to win and all the travel news for the North East
18:00 - Lachlan McKenzie
Live from Aberdeen, it's the Teuchter Loon in the Granite Toon!
22:00 - Original 106 Night Time
End your day by relaxing with Original 106 Night TIme.
00:00 - Original Overnight
Always Your Favourite Music all night long.
06:00 - Original 106 Breakfast with Claire & Pete
Live from Aberdeen - Claire & Pete wake up the North-East and a chance to play Keep The Heid at 0810!
10:00 - Martin Ingram
Live from Aberdeen with two years on The Top 10 At 10.
14:00 - Craig Lumsden
Live from Aberdeen Craig's here every afternoon with chances to win and all the travel news for the North East
18:00 - Lachlan McKenzie
Live from Aberdeen, it's the Teuchter Loon in the Granite Toon!
22:00 - Original 106 Night Time
End your day by relaxing with Original 106 Night TIme.
00:00 - Original Overnight
Always Your Favourite Music all night long.
06:00 - Original 106 Breakfast with Claire & Pete
Live from Aberdeen - Claire & Pete wake up the North-East and a chance to play Keep The Heid at 0810!
10:00 - Martin Ingram
Live from Aberdeen with two years on The Top 10 At 10.
14:00 - Craig Lumsden
Live from Aberdeen Craig's here every afternoon with chances to win and all the travel news for the North East
18:00 - Lachlan McKenzie
Live from Aberdeen, it's the Teuchter Loon in the Granite Toon!
22:00 - Original 106 Night Time
End your day by relaxing with Original 106 Night TIme.