Classic FM playlist

On the Playlist page of Classic FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!


19.05 00:01 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Clarinet Concerto in A major (2)
18.05 23:51 - Frederick Delius - A Song Before Sunrise
18.05 23:48 - Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No.2
18.05 23:42 - Jay Ungar - The Ashokan Farewell
18.05 23:35 - Robin Milford - Miniature Concerto in G major Opus 35 (2)
18.05 23:31 - Johann Christian Bach - Symphony in Bb major Opus 18 No.2 (2)
18.05 23:23 - Arvo Part - Spiegel im Spiegel
18.05 23:18 - Haigh Marshall - 'Elegy'
18.05 23:13 - William Byrd - Ave verum corpus
18.05 23:00 - Antonin Dvorak - Symphony No.9 in E minor Opus 95 (2)
18.05 22:51 - Cipriani Potter - Piano Concerto No.2 in D minor (2)
18.05 22:43 - Joseph Haydn - Symphony No.44 in E minor (3)
18.05 22:34 - Tomaso Albinoni - Adagio in G minor
18.05 22:25 - Franz Schubert - Symphony No.4 in C minor D.417 (2)
18.05 22:21 - George Frideric Handel - 'Ombra mai fu'
18.05 22:17 - John Brunning - Pie Jesu
18.05 22:08 - Johan Halvorsen - Symphony No.1 in C minor (2)
18.05 22:05 - Gabriel Faure - Dolly Suite Opus 56 (1)
18.05 22:01 - Edward Elgar - Variations on an Original Theme Opus 36 (9)
18.05 21:53 - Sergei Prokofiev - Romeo & Juliet - Juliet as a Young Girl
18.05 21:49 - Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky - Melodie Opus 42 No.3
18.05 21:43 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Laudate Dominum
18.05 21:29 - Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherazade Opus 35 (3)
18.05 21:22 - Gioachino Rossini - The Silken Ladder - Overture
18.05 21:13 - Hans Zimmer - The Lion King - Suite
18.05 21:08 - Giuseppe Verdi - La Forza del Destino - Overture
18.05 21:01 - Gustav Holst - The Planets Opus 32 (4)
18.05 20:55 - Nicholas Hooper - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Fireworks
18.05 20:49 - Nicholas Hooper - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - The Room of Requirement
18.05 20:46 - Kris Bowers - Chevalier - Composing the Finale
18.05 20:45 - Johann Johannsson - The Theory of Everything - A Model of the Universe
18.05 20:38 - Benjamin Wallfisch - Dunkirk - Variation 15 (Dunkirk)
18.05 20:29 - Patrick Doyle - Bridget Jones's Diary - It's Only A Diary
18.05 20:26 - Jerry Goldsmith - Gremlins - First Aid
18.05 20:21 - Jerry Goldsmith - Alien - Main Title
18.05 20:18 - Lionel Bart - From Russia With Love
18.05 20:10 - Michael Giacchino - IF - The IF Suite
18.05 20:07 - John Williams - The Fabelmans - The Fabelmans
18.05 20:05 - Michael Giacchino - Ratatouille - Main Theme
18.05 20:02 - Ennio Morricone - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - Main Theme
18.05 19:54 - Harline / Washington - Pinocchio - When You Wish Upon a Star
18.05 19:52 - John Powell - Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who - JoJo Saves the Day
18.05 19:48 - John Williams - Superman - Main Theme
18.05 19:44 - Germaine Franco - Encanto - The Dysfunctional Tango