Premier Christian Radio playlist
On the Playlist page of Premier Christian Radio, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
08.03 07:16 - Les Crane - Desiderata (With Intro / prologue)
08.03 07:05 - Graham Kendrick - The Servant King (feat. Nicki Rogers)
08.03 07:02 - Huddersfield Choral Society / Joseph Cullen - Love Divine All Loves Excelling
08.03 06:50 - Housefires - The Way (New Horizon) Featuring Pat Barrett)
08.03 06:41 - Huddersfield Choral Society - O Jesus I Have Promised
08.03 06:38 - Maranatha! Praise Band - Rock of Ages
08.03 06:36 - John Mansfield - God Is Our Refuge And Strength
08.03 06:32 - Chris Tomlin - Lord I Need You
08.03 06:27 - The McCarthy Singers / U.S.A.F. Protestant Chapel Choir - Forty Days And Forty Nights
08.03 06:24 - Westminster Abbey Choir (Dr. Martin Neary, Conductor) - Praise To The Holiest
08.03 06:17 - Celebration Choir - At The Name Of Jesus
08.03 06:12 - Geraldine Latty - Lead Us Heavenly Father
08.03 06:08 - The Choir and orchestra of Methodist Central Hall, Westminster - Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind
08.03 05:54 - Trinity Church - He Will Hold Me Fast
08.03 05:50 - Keswick Live - He Will Hold Me Fast (Live)
08.03 05:44 - John Rutter [+] Cambridge Singers - Open Thou Mine Eyes
08.03 05:30 - John Michael Talbot - This Befell Us (Psalm 44)
08.03 05:26 - Helen Shapiro - Father In Heaven
08.03 05:22 - Kathryn Greenlee - We Have Heard A Joyful Sound
08.03 05:17 - Tim Hughes - When the Tears Fall
08.03 05:12 - Hymnmakers Choir - All Thing Bright And Beautiful
08.03 05:09 - Mark Chance - THERE WAS JESUS
08.03 05:05 - James Kilbane - Lay Your Hands Gently Upon Us
08.03 04:51 - Stuart Townend - To God Be the Glory
08.03 04:47 - Zach Williams - Fear Is a Liar
08.03 04:42 - Graham Kendrick - O The Deep Deep Love Of Jesus
08.03 04:33 - Lou Fellingham - Everlasting Arms (Lean Hard) [Live]
08.03 04:31 - The Castleford Singers - Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
08.03 04:26 - Jonathan Stockstill - Come Thou Fount
08.03 04:20 - Muyiwa / Riversongz - Holy Is the Lord
08.03 04:14 - Women Of Faith Worship Team - Blessed Assurance
08.03 04:03 - Jeremy Riddle - It Is Well With My Soul
08.03 03:55 - BBC Singers - Living Lord
08.03 03:47 - Matt Redman - Jesus Christ (Once Again)
08.03 03:42 - Hillsong Worship / TAYA - Transfiguration
08.03 03:36 - Dave Wellington - Holy Spirit Come
08.03 03:32 - Treorchy Male Voice Choir - A Safe Stronghold
08.03 03:28 - Max Lucado - But For Your Grace (With Amazing Grace)
08.03 03:24 - Delirious? - Hands of Kindness
08.03 03:21 - Scottish Festival Singers - Eternal Father Strong To Save
08.03 03:16 - Robin Mark - All For Jesus
08.03 03:13 - Daily Service Singers - Christ Triumphant
08.03 03:08 - Ian White - Psalm 97
08.03 03:05 - Huddersfield Choral Society - O Jesus I Have Promised
08.03 03:02 - Liverpool Cathedral Choir - All my hope on God is founded