Premier Christian Radio playlist
On the Playlist page of Premier Christian Radio, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
20.02 03:10 - John Rutter [+] Cambridge Singers - Open Thou Mine Eyes
20.02 03:07 - Songs Of Praise - O For A Thousand Tongues
20.02 02:54 - Helen Shapiro - Father In Heaven
20.02 02:49 - Aaron Williams - The Hope of Christ (Live)
20.02 02:45 - Sarah Tu00e9ibo - Glorious King
20.02 02:35 - Hope Creative - Psalm 78 (feat. Hannah Gracia)
20.02 02:31 - Women Of Faith Worship Team - Blessed Assurance
20.02 02:26 - Anastasis - O Praise The Name
20.02 02:19 - Kristene DiMarco - Jesus, Your Love (Live)
20.02 02:16 - Daily Service Singers - Christ Triumphant
20.02 02:11 - Kim Hill - In You Alone
20.02 02:06 - Heartcry - I Heard the Voice of Jesus
20.02 01:55 - The Castleford Singers - Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
20.02 01:52 - Robin Mark - I Stand Amazed
20.02 01:50 - Kate Marks - Freedom Is Coming
20.02 01:45 - Belfast Gospel Community Choir - My Life My Love My All
20.02 01:42 - The Celebration Choir - The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
20.02 01:38 - Ellie Button - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
20.02 01:18 - Graham Kendrick - The Servant King
19.02 22:57 - Celtic Woman - Amazing Grace
19.02 22:52 - Delirious? - Hands of Kindness
19.02 22:39 - John Pantry - Send Me Out
19.02 22:33 - Liverpool Cathedral Choir - All my hope on God is founded
19.02 21:56 - Mark Baldwin - O Worship the King (instrumental)
19.02 21:28 - Keswick Live - Breathe On Me Breath Of God
19.02 20:56 - Travis Cottrell - Crown Him / Worthy Is The Lamb
19.02 19:56 - The Creak Music - Amazing Grace
19.02 19:27 - Matt Redman - Jesus Christ (Once Again)
19.02 18:49 - Jacy Mai - Unconditional
19.02 18:24 - Velisha Lynch - I Need To Hear
19.02 18:13 - Chris Tomlin - Thank You Lord
19.02 18:05 - Danny Gokey - Stand In Faith
19.02 17:05 - Orchestral Praise - Amazing Grace (Instrumental)
19.02 16:17 - Spring Harvest - I Will Worship (You Are Worthy Of My Praise)
19.02 15:30 - Matthew Macaulay - You Are Here
19.02 15:23 - Casey Adam - Grateful
19.02 15:15 - Scott Wesley Brown - Immortal, Invisible (God Only Wise)
19.02 15:09 - Sovereign Grace Music - He is Worthy
19.02 14:54 - Kate Miner - To Be In Your Presence
19.02 14:50 - Indelible Grace Music / Sandra McCracken - O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
19.02 14:42 - Phil Thompson - Jesus
19.02 14:31 - Jonathan Butler - Falling In Love With Jesus
19.02 14:25 - Graham Kendrick - Arise - A Prayer For Peace (You Hear O Lord)
19.02 14:18 - Lincoln Brewster - No One Like Our God
19.02 14:11 - Matt Redman - The Praise Is Yours