Cheesy FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Cheesy FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
21.02 16:53 - Denise La Salle - My Toot Toot
21.02 16:49 - David Bowie - The Jean Genie
21.02 16:49 - - AD STOP
21.02 16:48 - Unknown Artist - Yogi Bear Theme
21.02 16:47 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
21.02 16:43 - Status Quo - Burning Bridges (On and Off and On Again)
21.02 16:40 - Whitney Houston - Queen Of The Night (CJ Mackintosh Mix)
21.02 16:37 - Busted - Thunderbirds/3am
21.02 16:36 - - AD STOP
21.02 16:31 - Bonnie Tyler - Lost In France
21.02 16:27 - The Timelords - Doctorin' The Tardis
21.02 16:24 - Baby Bird - You're Gorgeous
21.02 16:22 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
21.02 16:19 - Bomb The Bass - Beat Dis
21.02 16:15 - Sia Feat. Sean Paul - Cheap Thrills
21.02 16:11 - KD Lang - Constant Craving
21.02 16:11 - - ADBREAK END
21.02 16:10 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
21.02 16:06 - The Climax Blues Band - Couldn't Get It Right
21.02 16:03 - Eighth Wonder - Cross My Heart
21.02 16:01 - Scouting For Girls - Heartbeat
21.02 15:56 - Emma Bunton - What I Am
21.02 15:52 - The Beautiful South - You Keep It All In
21.02 15:50 - B. Bumble - Nut Rocker
21.02 15:49 - Unknown Artist - Animal Magic Theme
21.02 15:49 - - AD START
21.02 15:45 - Robbie Williams - Old Before I Die
21.02 15:42 - Adam - Stand and Deliver
21.02 15:38 - Jess Glynne - Hold My Hand
21.02 15:38 - - ADBREAK END
21.02 15:33 - Dead End Kids - Have I The Right
21.02 15:30 - Simply Red - Sunrise
21.02 15:26 - Freddie Mercury - Barcelona
21.02 15:25 - - ADBREAK END
21.02 15:24 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
21.02 15:21 - Bryan Adams with Tina Turner - It's Only Love
21.02 15:18 - Sonny J - Can't Stop Moving
21.02 15:13 - Five - When The Lights Go Out
21.02 15:12 - - AD START
21.02 15:12 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
21.02 15:08 - Heatwave - Boogie Nights
21.02 15:04 - Toni Basil - Mickey
21.02 15:01 - Van Halen - Jump
21.02 14:56 - Betty Boo - Where Are You Baby?
21.02 14:53 - Joan Armadtrading - Drop The Pilot