Cheesy FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Cheesy FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
26.01 12:18 - Livin' Joy - Don't Stop Movin'
26.01 12:14 - Players Association - Turn The Music Up
26.01 12:13 - - ADBREAK END
26.01 12:09 - DB Boulevard - Point Of View
26.01 12:05 - UB40 - If It Happens Again
26.01 12:01 - Wings - Goodnight Tonight
26.01 11:56 - The Electric Light Orchestra - Sweet Talkin' Woman
26.01 11:52 - Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La La Long)
26.01 11:50 - Black Lace - The Hokey-Cokey
26.01 11:49 - - ADBREAK END
26.01 11:48 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
26.01 11:45 - A-Ha - Take On Me
26.01 11:41 - Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight
26.01 11:36 - James Brown - Living In America
26.01 11:35 - - AD START
26.01 11:29 - Madonna - Hung Up
26.01 11:26 - Bay City Rollers - Shang-A-Lang
26.01 11:23 - Sash! - Encore Une Fois
26.01 11:22 - - ADBREAK END
26.01 11:21 - - AD START
26.01 11:19 - Bobbysocks - Let It Swing
26.01 11:15 - Martha - Dancing In The Street
26.01 11:12 - Betty Boo - Where Are You Baby?
26.01 11:12 - - ADBREAK END
26.01 11:11 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
26.01 11:07 - Hall - Maneater
26.01 11:04 - Ed Sheeran - Sing
26.01 11:01 - The Tymes - Ms. Grace
26.01 10:54 - Michael Jackson - Thriller
26.01 10:49 - George Michael - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
26.01 10:48 - - ADBREAK END
26.01 10:48 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
26.01 10:43 - Barry Manilow - Could It Be Magic (Trevor Horn Dance Mix)
26.01 10:37 - M People - Open Your Heart
26.01 10:34 - The Pretenders - Brass In Pocket
26.01 10:33 - - ADBREAK END
26.01 10:32 - - AD START
26.01 10:29 - Billy Preston - With You I'm Born Again
26.01 10:26 - Madness - My Girl
26.01 10:23 - The Nolans - I'm In The Mood For Dancing
26.01 10:22 - - AD START
26.01 10:18 - KC - Please Don't Go
26.01 10:14 - Styx - Babe
26.01 10:11 - Booker T And The Mgs - Green Onions
26.01 10:10 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000