Cheesy FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Cheesy FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
28.01 21:48 - - AD STOP
28.01 21:47 - - AD START
28.01 21:43 - Whitney Houston - All The Man That I Need
28.01 21:40 - Five - Everybody Get Up
28.01 21:36 - Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
28.01 21:34 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
28.01 21:31 - R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People
28.01 21:28 - Marc Almond - The Days Of Pearly Spencer
28.01 21:25 - Capella - U Got To Let The Music
28.01 21:24 - - AD STOP
28.01 21:23 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
28.01 21:19 - Fugees - Killing Me Softly
28.01 21:15 - DJ Miko - What's Up?
28.01 21:12 - Robyn - Show Me Love
28.01 21:12 - - ADBREAK END
28.01 21:11 - - AD START
28.01 21:07 - The Shamen - Move Any Mountain
28.01 21:03 - Madonna - Beautiful Stranger
28.01 21:01 - Suggs - Cecilia
28.01 20:55 - Rod Stewart - Baby Jane
28.01 20:51 - Chris Rea - The Road To Hell
28.01 20:47 - Electronic - Getting Away With It
28.01 20:47 - - AD STOP
28.01 20:46 - Unknown Artist - Animal Magic Theme
28.01 20:46 - - AD START
28.01 20:42 - The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
28.01 20:39 - Style Council - Speak Like A Child
28.01 20:37 - The Housemartins - Happy Hour
28.01 20:36 - - ADBREAK END
28.01 20:35 - - AD START
28.01 20:32 - Dionne Warwick - All The Love In The World
28.01 20:29 - Grandmaster Flash - The Message
28.01 20:24 - Michael Jackson - Leave Me Alone
28.01 20:24 - - AD STOP
28.01 20:23 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
28.01 20:19 - The Pretenders - Don't Get Me Wrong
28.01 20:16 - Soul II Soul - Get A Life
28.01 20:12 - Stephen 'Tin Tin' Duffy - Kiss Me
28.01 20:11 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
28.01 20:08 - Huey Lewis - Do You Believe In Love?
28.01 20:04 - ABC - Tears Are Not Enough
28.01 20:01 - Visage - Fade To Grey
28.01 19:57 - Queen - We Are The Champions
28.01 19:53 - Jade - Don't Walk Away
28.01 19:50 - Diana Ross - Why Do Fools Fall In Love?