Cheesy FM playlist
On the Playlist page of Cheesy FM, you can search previously played songs for 30 days, and you can listen to them again by YouTube. You no longer have to worry about not knowing what songs were playing earlier in your favourite radio. The filter panel above the playlist can be used to narrow your search by song title, and play date. Furthermore, some radios come with a separate channel selector that lets you list the songs from different channels of the radio. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on the Contact page!
24.01 23:26 - - AD STOP
24.01 23:25 - - ADBREAK END
24.01 23:25 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
24.01 23:24 - - AD START
24.01 23:21 - Queen - These Are The Days Of Our Lives
24.01 23:17 - Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire
24.01 23:12 - Rufus - Ain't Nobody
24.01 23:12 - - AD STOP
24.01 23:11 - - AD START
24.01 23:06 - Zucchero - Senza Una Donna (Without A Woman)
24.01 23:03 - Louis Armstrong - We Have All The Time In The World
24.01 23:01 - The Pretenders - I Go To Sleep
24.01 22:56 - Enigma - Return To Innocence
24.01 22:52 - Leona Lewis - Better In Time
24.01 22:52 - - AD STOP
24.01 22:51 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
24.01 22:51 - - AD START
24.01 22:48 - Ace - How Long
24.01 22:43 - Five - Until The Time Is Through
24.01 22:38 - Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is
24.01 22:38 - - ADBREAK END
24.01 22:37 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
24.01 22:34 - Prince - 1999
24.01 22:29 - Elaine Paige - I Know Him So Well
24.01 22:25 - Tears For Fears - Shout
24.01 22:25 - - ADBREAK END
24.01 22:24 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
24.01 22:21 - Strawberry Switchblade - Since Yesterday
24.01 22:18 - King - Love and Pride
24.01 22:15 - Madonna - Like A Virgin
24.01 22:14 - - AD STOP
24.01 22:13 - - ADBREAK LENGTH 90000
24.01 22:09 - Wham! - Everything She Wants
24.01 22:05 - Russ Abbot - Atmosphere
24.01 22:01 - Amii Stewart - Friends
24.01 21:55 - Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
24.01 21:52 - - ADBREAK END
24.01 21:52 - They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul
24.01 21:51 - Unknown Artist - Stingray Theme
24.01 21:47 - Baby D - I Need Your Loving (Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime)
24.01 21:43 - MC Sar - Another Night
24.01 21:39 - Cathy Dennis - Touch Me (All Night Long)
24.01 21:39 - - AD STOP
24.01 21:34 - M People - Open Up Your Heart
24.01 21:30 - The Connells - '74-'75